
I find this cover intriguing. A crown cast off... A cruel, but priviledged, prince (jeweled text) entangled in the cold and common branches of a barren tree... A scarab that symbolizes redemption? I don't know what this story is actually about, but the cover sure makes me curious.  

Another great cover!

Me thinks she is in love with a cold, distant, less-than-human Pisces. I love the contrast and shocking freshness of this cover.  

I think humans are instinctively attracted to faces...

I found this on a listing of best book covers of 2018

An enthusiastic and apparently rushed reviewer had written....: "I loooovvve this cover. Its retro, its fresh, it printed on uncoated stock and had great texture. Its subtle and poppy at the same time. A pretty palette." (name withheld to protect the overly-excited.)

I love it too. It's a great cover that makes me want to read the book, but I had to laugh. The designer did such a good job of directing focus to the title, that the reviewer didn't even notice the placeholder text on the blurb. You've got to love the enthusiasm though, right? Stuff happens.